Yesterday was one of the most incredible days ever during staff week. All the staff signed up in 10 groups and dispersed around Bayfield and Durango to serve the community. The group I was a part of got the opportunity to go to Bayfield and clean the home of an elderly couple, Rex and Pauline Howard. We arrived to their quaint old farm house to find out the couple was about to go to the doctor. Rex has been having some health complications due to an allergic reaction to a medicine he was prescribed. They were a sweet couple who love and care for each other a ton. Rex served with the Navy during WWII and had so many stories. I wish I was able to sit with him and hear his stories for hours. They went to the doctor and we got busy scrubbing every nook and cranny in their home. They are not physically able to get down low or up high and really get things clean. We scrubbed hard for a solid four hours. We cleaned the bathroom, bedrooms, kitchen, living room, changed their sheets for them and even accidentally let a chicken loose (whoops!), but I guess happens on a regular basis. Our group worked so hard, and we had such a great time serving this couple. These are a few photos I made while walking around the farm. Hopefully we get to see Rex and Pauline at the neighborhood picnic this weekend!
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