Summer days at Camp KIVU are the BEST!! When we take teenagers up to the Lake Vallacito, we show them Colorado Mountain Lake fun with two large wakeboard boats, waverunners, tubes, slides, fishing, and just hanging out.
I know it seems like time just passing, but how much do we need this time?
Today's teenager is being pressured from all angles. Academic pressure, Athletic pressure, and the pressure to perform in whatever extra activities they have lined up, are making kids more machine like than human. Their whole purpose for waking up in the morning is to make a list, check the box, and make sure they get the right marks.
I'm beginning to think we've lost the ability to build our own story.
It takes times on the lake, in the mountains, on a bike, or just hanging out with friends to share life together. And, after all; that's what make our faith different from every other faith on the planet.
Paul writes in Philippians, "In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!" (2:5-9)
The beauty of a place like KIVU is the life on life mentoring that is taking place all the time. The staff who commit their summer here are interested in living life WITH the teenagers here, rather than AT them. So the traditional attitude of, "I'm on staff you have to listen to me" fades in the distance as we approach each teenagers with a, "We're all in this life together, let's have some fun" becomes the mantra we live by.
The testimonies from the summer prove this to be an impactful approach. Kids are raving about the "community" we've developed, because I think they have a place where we value them as people, not as clients.
Hanging on the lake in the dog days of summer is one of the best times to invest our lives in the lives of teenagers here.
We'd love for you to come and join us.
You can register for KIVU 2012 today at http://www.campkivu.com. See you next year!!
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