Saturday, May 22, 2010

Kitchen Creations

Hello, from the Camp Kivu kitchen. In the past you could have found us at but we've decided to join up with Kivu Today so we can directly let you know what all is happening in THE most happening place in camp. Everyone comes in the dining hall everyday but very few people have the privilege of crossing the line into the kitchen. If you were here, you'd hear the clanging of pots and pans and the jingling of silverware. You'd smell delicious cake and bread and fettuccine alfredo. You'd see 15 girls sweeping and serving. But underneath all that, you'd find that great friendships are forming in the kitchen. Girls are just sharing life with each other, they're laughing and singing and telling stories and jokes. And it's awesome! It truly is a great place to be. So if you're a parent of a camper, hopefully we can be letting you know what your kids are eating and maybe even post a recipe so you can make it at home. If you're a parent of staff, you'll get to hear all the great stories of working in the camp kitchen. If you're a friend of Camp Kivu...Enjoy! And if you're a stranger stopping by for the first time, you'll probably think we are ridiculously crazy, but you'll secretly want to be our friend.

So here's the scoop from yesterday... About 100 staff members arrived and at camp, that means it's time to celebrate. We welcomed everyone into camp with fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. We made 500 total so that's about 5 cookies a piece, which we are totally okay with :)

Here's a pic:

Bon Apetite, Les and Sharley

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