Saturday, June 12, 2010

Great Night @campkivu!!

Last night was the culmination of what we do here at KIVU. After going through 13 days of high mountain adventure coupled with solid worldview teaching, our VERITAS night is where it all comes together.

We have crafted a Real Life Journey, complete with honest testimonies from students struggling with sexuality, substance abuse, and soul searching. We introduce the power of the cross, and the beauty of the resurrection as God has given us hope in this world, and the next

Finally we celebrate around a KIVU style campfire, and just hang out to process the week.

Last night one of the guys said, "I come here every year because my life is going a million miles an hour. This is a great place to come and rest."

Another girl commented, "I didn't have a Bible until the day before camp when my mom took me to Barnes and Nobles and was like, 'what are we doing here.'

Kids are loving the ability to see God in creation, learn to Love Him, and then relate to each other. The questions they're asking are real. Do I have value? Does anyone love me? How can I make a difference in the world.

It's a beautiful thing to watch teenagers handle such far reaching life questions.

May God be pleased. First Term at KIVU is about finished. We'll see our second term kids tomorrow, and can't wait to see what God does then.

If you'd like to follow a daily look at what's going on out here, please check out There are several authors giving insight every day!!

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