Monday, June 7, 2010

Slum Awareness Day

Before you read any further, promise me (okay, yourself) that you will go directly to Andy's blog and read the "why" behind this day. (or just click on the link and it will take you there). It is important that you know why we are doing this day and what this day is all about. . .it will help make the picture below mean something. I am just posting pictures from the day. . .later on we will post camper and staff reactions, but now it is just pictures. (GO TO ANDY'S BLOG!) The picture above and the ones below are of "slum city." (I think Luke will blog more about the details of the day.)

This part of "slum city" is where the campers had to go when they contracted a "disease" such as polio or malaria or yellow fever or a number of other diseases that are commonly contracted in the slums of Southeast Asia.

The pictures below are of different "slum families" doing different "challenges" such as toy making or water gathering or food cooking or learning how to read. The campers spent the day trying to "survive" in the slums with their "families."

Below is one of our trip guys as a "gang leader." The gangs would be in and out of the slums all day "kidnapping" people or taking their water or just simply harassing the people in the slum. And I think the bottom picture is depicting a "family" running from a gang.

Right now the kids are "debriefing." The day is over and they are finding out that this "family" that have been role-playing all day is actually a real family in the Philippines under similar circumstances. The kids will debrief and I cannot wait to hear what they have to say. . .we will keep you posted!

Jamie Jo

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