Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Stars Are Out At Camp

The stars are out at camp. Now I know you're thinking..."duh, Colorado, great star gazing" But the stars we are talking about are the awesome campers we have. Tonight is dedicated to them, the main celebrities of camp. They got all dressed up and brought their best manners to a mix and mingle dinner that included mini pesto/turkey sandwiches, fruits and dip, veggies and hummus and pita chips. For dessert they snacked on cake balls and sparkling juice in party flutes. We ate under Christmas lights and Gone With the Wind playing in the background. After our dinner, the kids walked the red carpet into the Lantz where they were bombarded by tons of paparazzi, flashing cameras and questions about all the latest gossip in their celebrity lives. In the Lantz we held a movie screening where the kids got to see the movies they had made earlier in the week. Each cabin remade a classic movie scene but in a different genre (ex. Avatar into a Broadway Musical). There was an awards show following where we handed out Oscar statuettes for Best Actress, Picture, Etc. Now they are all in the Dining Hall for the Camp Kivu After Party. More cake balls and punch and lots and lots and lots of dancing. Your kids are all superstars and we love having them here. Tonight was a fun way to show them how cool we think they are. In the Hollywood obsessed world we live in, it's hard, but I hope the campers see that we think they are cool not just for worldly reasons, but because they love Jesus and love others.

Dax walked me down the red carpet :)

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