Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So, yesterday I gave my camera to a camper to take pictures with all day. Needless to say, I had about 130 random pictures of close up faces and such. However, here are a couple fun ones so you can see Kivu Today (Yesterday) from a camper's point of view. She was in our "community service" pursuit and they spent the day at a soup kitchen and making encouraging notes for some of the businesses in town. It was nine girls and they had a blast!

Last night was our "At The Hop" party and I had so much fun dancing that I did not take one single picture. . .which is SO UNLIKE me! Andy and I got to teach the pretzel and stuff to the whole camp for an hour before the big dance party and I had a super-great time! I am sore all over my body from my feet to my neck. . .even my fingers are sore. . .that is how much fun I had last night!

Dancin' the Night Away!
Jamie Jo

1 comment:

  1. Jamie Jo and Kivu campers-
    Thanks so much for the sweet poster I found in my office yesterday! It was amazing, and your timing was perfect. I hope that your week is great, and that this term at Kivu is incredible.

    Jeff Dobesh
    First 'B' Durango
