Monday, July 12, 2010

Kitchie/Cook Bonding

One of the great joys of being a kitchie is that on afternoon's we don't have bible study and aren't decorating for a party, we get to bond... Kitchie Bonding is its exact title. It is usually an activity like floating the river, making bracelets at the bead shop, getting smoothies, playing at Baker's Bridge, etc. Today we invited the cooks and headed up to the market at the lake for ice cream cones. Then it was back down to the lake for some good old fashioned sun induced napping. We laid out our towels on the beach of the lake, read, giggled, talked, and rested. It was a beautiful 2 hours of relaxing fellowship and fun. On the way back to camp, we decided to stop and say hello to the kids at the dock and to cool off with a little dip in the lake. We jumped in over and over doing cannonballs and flips like little kids. The campers looked at us like we were crazies. It sure is a beautiful place we get to spend the summer in.

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