Friday, July 9, 2010

Top Chef...Take 4!

Congratulations to Jamie Jo for the 100th post on KivuToday earlier! I'd say that's a pretty cool accomplishment for a 7 week old blog! I'll take the 101st...Today was TopChef Competition; the fourth one of the summer. It was really fun because we have all new staff and everyone was so excited to have free reign in the kitchen. They seemed to love every aspect of the challenges and jumped right in to acting silly and creating crazy, fun, and sweet desserts. Our judges were Caroline (personnel director and chocolate lover), Dalton (Braner babysitter), Morgan (Dylan's babysitter) and sweet Dylan himself. Mrs. Dr. Urig showed up for the end as well and even sooo kindly helped unload the car full of groceries posted by Jamie Jo, below. The Institute class led by Luke showed up to polish off all the leftovers. I forgot to get pictures of the judges, but here are a few of the kitchies, their creations and one more irresistible one of sweet Dax getting out of claustrophobia central! Loved today! P.S. To see our rules of TopChef Kivu style look back to past blog posts :)

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