Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 3- by Eliza (with help from Peter and Lauren)
Today we woke up at 7 to do devos by the cross. We talked about seeing God's goodness through bad things, such as the poverty here in Haiti. We thought about ways we have seen God working while we're here. After devos we helped set up a huge tent for the graduation coming up on Friday. It was my first time putting up a circus tent and using a sledge hammer! After eating a delicious lunch, we walked to a different village and stopped at a voodoo house on the way. Donald pointed out paintings on the wall, depicting good and bad spirits. Next we went to the voodoo priest's mothers house, where his mother lay sick and weak for 3 years. We prayed over her, for her healing and Jesus' presence to be made known. From there we went to an orphanage being built and talked to the children of that village. They sang Father Abraham to us in Creole, then we sang it back to them, along with Sanctuary. From there we went to the market on the beach after that and saw where they import charcoal. Our group bought mangos, watermelon and sugar cane. We came back to Mission Lifeline after that and relaxed, Then played and talked with the children after relaxing. They love holding our hands and getting their picture taken. Now our group along with a group from Connecticut just finished a great Haitian dinner. It was goat, chicken, rice, plantains, pineapple, mango, beet salad, pasta, corn and peas. it was delicious! Goodnight! Love you Mom and Dad!

1 comment:

  1. Love getting the updates. Sounds like an amazing trip - lots of new adventures. I know God is doing mighty things - in lives of the Haitians, and in the lives of our KIVU kids. Praying for all of you! Anne Csorba
