Saturday, June 19, 2010

Are You Ready For 2011

I know, summer of 2010 is barely underway, but if any of you are like my own mother, then you are ready for news of 2011. . .and we have it! We are so excited about the changes we are making for next summer. We have been listening to what our Kivu family has been saying and we have made changes accordingly!!! Get ready. . . here is what we have to offer you:

14 day terms for ages 13-18

7 day terms for ages 11-18

7 day expeditions for ages 13-18

3 different mission trips during the summer

4 day extended weekend parent/child trips

We heard you say that cost was an issue. We heard you say that time was an issue. We heard you say that mission trips in the summer were important to many of you. So, we are helping you!

The cost has been drastically reduced and we are able to do this because we are opening the camp up to more campers next summer.

We have 4 day terms, 7 day terms and 14 day terms. This is so that you can find the term that is right for you and your family. We are offering terms for teenagers as before, but offering some of our terms for middle schoolers so that they can begin to get the Kivu experience earlier.

We are opening up an option for parents to bring their kids. Fathers can go camping with their sons or daughters and mothers can bring their boys or their girls!

And finally, we will be offering three mission trip options so that no one has to choose between camp and missions. We will take a group to the Gulf Coast, a group to Haiti and a group to Rwanda.

The best part is that all of these terms can fit together so you don't have to choose if you don't want to! You can chose a camp term and and expedition to go with it. You can send your teen to a 7 or 14 day term and then join him/her afterward for a parent/child trip. Your teen can pick a term and then head with us to the mission field when the term is over. Mix and match or pick and choose. . .summer 2011 is for you!!!

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