Friday, June 25, 2010

Second Term Is Over

Well, the last campers just rolled out of the gates (an hour late, but we love them. . . thanks both Reilly families) and second term is officially over.

It is so weird to get to know a group of kids so well and to form some really neat friendships and then for it to all be over in the morning and then to gear up emotionally for the next group who come four hours later. . .what a roller coaster! And the weirdest thing about this weird thing is that it happens every summer every two weeks and still I never get used to it!

Second term was great and now I am switching gears to third term! This will be a really exciting term because so many campers we know will be here. . .many of the campers who went with us to the Philippines in March are coming and I am excited to see the old familiar faces as well as the new faces!

Goodbye second. . .hello third!

Enjoy a couple great pics from the term.
Jamie Jo

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