Thursday, June 3, 2010

Well, I didn't go on either trip today, but I did get a shot of the backpackers before they left. They are headed to "Cave Basin" for a three day and two night trip. They were all SO excited! It was fun to watch them get ready!

Then I gave my camera to Adam Martin and Chase Moore (Chase is one of our Mountain Biking "trip guys") and they took it with them to Telegraph (a world famous mountain biking course in Durango). It looks like everyone had fun and they all came back bandage free!!!

Today was our first day of "Pursuits." Each camper gets to pick 4 pursuits and they last for one full day (with the exception of the three day backpacking pursuit). We had Rock Climbing and Lake Fun & Sun in addition to Backpacking and Mountain Biking. We also had a "Believe 101" pursuit where the campers got to learn about the difference between Christianity and other Worldviews.

Tonight is "2Deep" where the campers and staff get a chance to worship and then listen to a great talk--tonight Adam Martin is the speaker and I know that the kids are going to come away with good stuff to think about.

Thanks for sharing your kids with us!

Jamie Jo

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