Thursday, June 3, 2010

Camp Kivu Top Chef Competition

Today's kitchie/cook bonding was fabulous! We had the first ever Camp Kivu Top Chef Competition...and believe me when I say, it won't be the last! We had each girl draw a numbered knife that assigned them to a group. Then each group member set out alone in the kitchen to chose one ingredient. Each team was already given one ingredient chosen by Sharley and I, so they had four total food objects to cook with (plus spices and baking type things). They had one hour, which was broken up by a Quick Fire Challenge in the middle. This challenge was to chop 4 different fruits and veggies into different sizes and shapes. Whoever was the fastest got to assign a consequense to another team. At the 15 minute mark, we also let each team choose one more special ingredient to add to their dish. They could do an appetizer, entree, or dessert; but of course being all girls...they all chose dessert :) When the dish was finished (some barely beat the timer) the girls presented their "plated" dish to a panel of judges. The judges then chose the winners based on taste, presentation, plating, and creativity. And in true Camp Kivu Top Chef fashion- we had absolutely no problem finishing off the remainder of all the desserts. Next time around, maybe we'll have them make enough for the whole camp to taste and let the campers choose the winners!

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