Friday, June 4, 2010

What KIVU means to a generation!

I'm often asked, "What is the big deal? KIVU is just a summer camp right?"

Every time I hear the question, I feel like I'm a terrible communicator. Partly because the term 'just' reduces the work I do to some infinitesimal job; and 'summer camps' certainly aren't all the same.

Some are geared toward sports.
Others train the mind.
Some help artists become better artists.
Others just go jump in a pond and play with parachutes in a field.

We are cognizant of our mission. "To Love God with all our hearts, souls, and minds, and to Love our neighbors as ourselves."

We teach teenagers how to grow in God's creation and appreciate Him at every turn.
We mentor teenagers to see the value of the Worldview Choices they are making.
We help teenagers see their worth is in God, not defined by worldly standards.

AND we do it all in the confines of one of the most beautiful places on earth.

I just got a letter from an old staff member. He's moved on to be a part of another ministry at this time, but the letter was so touching. He began telling us about how the staff impacted him while he was here, and then led into this....

I often think back on my days at K-Co. I miss Jip Hubbard, Austin Snowbarger, Steve Miller, Grey Pompelly, Drew Crowson, Don Hogan, and Skot Montgomery... Bastions for Christ. I loved every single day I spent just south of the Vallecito Reservoir. It was amazing to be surrounded by Luke, Clayton, Yourself, and Adam. It seemed like it was easy to be an example for Christ with the examples that were physically around me.

While this may be helpful, a war still wages at K-CO. I know tough campers come through and test counselors past their limits. Tell the counselors to persevere anyway! Campers may appear to have no change from day 1 to the day they leave. Don't worry. God is with them. He is growing the counselors as well as using them to reach the kids.

It's why we do what we do.

I believe there is a generation of teenagers who need to experience togetherness. They need to know they can walk together with God, and we need to help them learn how to reach out and love each other. Not in a romantic erotic love, but a love that cares for the basic needs of fellow humans on the planet.

We are God's hands and feet on this earth, and as He chooses to move in us and through us; we can reach out to give meaning and value to an otherwise hopeless world.


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