Joanna Weaver states that "The world applauds achievement, God desires companionship." This quote hits me quite deeply because I am an achiever, everyday has a to do list, and I foolishly can find worth in the accomplished list at the end of the day. But aren't we all achievers? Possibly because we live in a society that encourages and judges based upon achievement. But Jesus came to break those encouragements and give abundant life through surrender.
Wow! What an incredible gift. The story of Martha and Mary paints a very clear picture of the the worker's heart and the attentive heart. While Martha is serving and loving Jesus through preparations, Mary is serving and loving Jesus by sitting at His feet and knowing Him. When Martha gets upset at the fact that her sister is breaking all cultural expectations of women and not helping her in the kitchen, Jesus kindly rebukes her and tells Martha that Mary has chosen the Better Part and that will never be taken away from her. (Luke 10:38-42)
The Better Part will never be taken away. While worldly achievements will fade, sitting at the feet of Jesus will never be taken away. Kivu is a beautiful place for campers and staff to be able to put aside the distractions of accomplishment to sit at the feet of Jesus and know Him and be known by Him. And that is exactly what is happening here in the gates of camp, campers are saying that this is a place to remember the Good News and that we have the choice to choose the Better Part! My encouragement to you while you read this in the midst of that to do list, is to put it down and sit at the feet of Jesus, for it will never be taken away.
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